Services provided


family wellness

Stevenson Family Chiropractic is a family-oriented practice. We encourage routine wellness adjustments the entire family to allow your nervous system to continue functioning optimally!

Wellness care is when you get adjusted even when you don’t have a complaint or an issue! Patients of all ages from babies to geriatrics can get wellness adjustments.

pediatric health

Babies’ brains and bodies grow and develop very rapidly in their first years of life. Within the first three years of life, a baby’s brain develops into 80% of its adult size, which is why it is essential for all little ones to receive gentle, neurology-based chiropractic care! 

Through specific adjustments, chiropractic can help with birthing trauma, ear infections, colic, constipation, torticollis, difficulty breastfeeding, sensory processing disorders, developmental delays, and so much more.



Pregnancy care & webster technique

A woman’s body is continuously having to adapt to all of the changes it undergoes throughout a nine-month pregnancy. Chiropractic is a safe, gentle, and holistic way to support all of these beautiful changes and allow Mama to be more comfortable while growing a baby from scratch! Pregnancy pillows are used to allow Mama to lie relaxed on her belly comfortably and safely. Dr. Emily is also certified in Webster Technique through the ICPA (International Pediatric Chiropractic Association) which analyzes the sacrum for subluxation. Sacral subluxation can contribute to dystocia (difficult labor) for the mother, caused by inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction, and baby mal-presentation. Correction of the sacral subluxation may have a positive effect on all these causes of dystocia. 

Through specific adjustments, chiropractic can help with heartburn, low back pain, round ligament pain, diastasis recti, and so much more.


Dry needling

Dry needling is a safe and effective intervention performed by certified therapist involving inserting a thin, flexible needle to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying neural, muscular and connective tissues for the evaluation and management of neuromusculoskeletal pain and muscle function.